特選會員可享全單低至 9 折優惠!

購物滿 HKD 250.00 即減 HKD 28.00 運費!(適用於 特定的送貨方式 )

GAN 12 Ui MagLev 旗艦智能3x3藍芽扭計骰 (3x3 Smart Cube)


是否加購專業調試服務?(+CubersShop HK Pro Lube Service)



請注意:在魔域文化扭計骰推廣活動中,此產品只按$400計算,例如,若您僅購買GAN 12 Ui MagLev,則只能從推廣活動中獲得1隻贈品。 Please note: In the Moyu Cube Promotion Campaign, this product is only valued at $400. For example, if you only purchase the GAN 12 Ui MagLev, you will only receive one gift from the promotion. ***更多產品詳情:請參考商品圖片及詳情部分*** ***For further details, please refer to the image session on the top and the detail session below.***

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